The Mission
Normally, the newest scientific results are restricted to the research community. SciPic aims to change this. By translating scientific pictures into amazing art pieces, SciPic gives spectacular insights in the research world and thus make science an experience for the whole society. Each unique motive has its own special story, making it a valuable addition for each art/picture collection.

The Founder/Scientist/Artist
Dr. rer. nat. Lucas-Sebastian Spitzhorn has worked in the area of stem cell research and regenerative medicine for 10 years at the University Hospital Düsseldorf. During this time, he was able to publish his research results in various international well-respected scientific journals and presented his work to the research community during numerous conferences. In his work, he was able to identify new stem cell sources, characterize the stem cell s in depth and contributed to translational research and hopefully for developing new therapeutic approaches.